Silver Sheen Obsidian Scanning Stones for fearlessness, healing, and bringing light to darkness

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  • Regular price $37.00

A gorgeous variation of obsidian that shines with a flash of glowing silver just beneath its surface, silver sheen obsidian brings lunar energies of mystery and magic. This magnificent gemstone is created naturally from cooled volcanic lava, and it facilitates powerful spiritual exploration and trust in the unknown. This is a protective gem, one that will powerfully ward off negative vibrations and guard you from energetic harm. It also deepens meditation, enhancing the connection between physical body and the mind, and offers increased patience and perseverance as it guides you into the shadows within. As you turn within, silver sheen obsidian works to alleviate and release your deepest unconscious fears.

As scanning stones, these silver sheen obsidian gems are especially effective in examining the body and auric fields, alerting you to any areas that may be out of balance. I recommend using these scanning stones in meditation. Hold yours in your hands and scan it all along your body. Allow it to draw you powerfully inward, attuning you to the parts of your spirit that are in need of illumination and healing. Envision your entire being coming into light, free from shame or judgment. Feel yourself releasing negative energies and thought patterns – anything that keeps you from aligning with your Highest Calling. So much power and wisdom lies within these scanning stones – and I am so excited for you to experience their sacred magic for yourself.
