Sunstone Empowerment Stackers for leadership and creative conviction

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  • Regular price $33.00

Sunstone brings forth the magic of openness, warmth, and willingness to help others. This is also a great stone for developing leadership and organizational skills. When a choice needs to be made, sunstone offers clarity and the ability to act in concert with a larger purpose. It helps dissolve any feelings of unworthiness and inspires you to move forward with conviction and self-discipline. Sunstone helps you to see the glass half full and, as a result, acquire knowledge and wisdom that assists in manifesting prosperity. It energizes the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, stimulating the qualities of leadership, will, creativity, and sexuality.

Wear your Sunstone Empowerment Bracelet to harness the warmth, strength, and abundance of blessings that flow when working with this joyous gem. May this Stacker bring you a sense of empowerment, self-esteem, and style as you journey boldly through this year and beyond
